Having a cavity! And you have pain! Why does it hurt?

Teeth can hurt for a variety of reasons. The underlying causes of the trouble can give rise to excruciating pain. This happens because the sensitivity of the teeth varies according to different situations.

Why do your teeth hurt?

Let us try to look for some causes of a toothache:

This is an instantaneous pain and goes away quickly but the pain is sharp and intolerable when it strikes. It usually happens when extreme hot/cold stimulus reacts with a loose filling or an exposed root. Also in initial phases of tooth decay, this pain is very common.

The time immediately after dental treatment is the time when the teeth is most vulnerable to sensitivity issues. A temporary crown would protect the teeth but still it would take a week’s time to feel normal with a crown or a bridge. In such cases, pain killers can be used to reduce the pain.

A cracked tooth might be responsible for such a painful experience. Hence medical supervision is needed to counter this pain.

Infections might cause pain post-eating. The pain can elevate to very severe from mild in a quick span of time. These infections are caused due to the proliferation of the mouth bacteria. Root canal might be the final answer to save the tooth if proper care is not taken at the right time.

The nerves that run in your sinus cavity are the same nerves that run in the upper teeth. Hence a pain in the sinus cavity might lead to a pain in the upper teeth.

Consistency in pain is a symptom of chronic infection. This will ultimately lead to the death of the tooth if proper drugs are not administered before time.



One will not experience any pain in the cavities in the initial phase. This is when the tooth’s enamel starts to decay. Deprived of nerve sensitivity, the enamel will gradually wear out but there will be no pain. It is only when the decay shifts to the tissues inside the tooth, that you would realise you have a cavity problem. With pain, the size of the cavity will also reveal itself.  The pain can be mild or extremely severe depending on the sensitivity. These cavities would eventually stain the surface of the tooth.

Cavities are like pockets of bacteria. Sweets are sticky, and they leave bits and pieces inside the mouth more often than other foods. Bacteria would feed on this sugar and create acids. These acids, on reaching the cavity, react with the nerves and cause irritation.

The solution to a cavity is filling it up. Dentists might prescribe analgesics to mute the nerves. Clove oil is a similar natural analgesic easily available in the market. Pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen might come in handy as temporary solutions but should not be used for a long duration.

Even before the cavity gets filled, proper brushing and daily flossing are essential to keep the general hygiene of the mouth intact. This might not eradicate the pain but will help ensure that you do not have to face more cavities in the future.

Bello Dental

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